ResCarta Toolkit
Digital Library
Digital Library
The ResCarta Toolkit is professional grade software designed to build and organize your digital collections. The software can be loaded to a stand-alone system or a shared network location. Unlimited numbers of users can share the tools or unlimited copies can be placed on stand-alone machine.
The ResCarta Metadata Creation Tool creates object metadata (information about your objects that’s stored with them in a digital format). Any new, digitized object that you create for inclusion in your digital collection needs object metadata in order to be organized and discovered.
The ResCarta Metadata Creation Tool includes several forms for metadata input, based on the varied types of digital objects
The ResCarta Data Conversion Tool converts your TIFF, JPEG, PDF (image only), PDF (image and text), MP4 video and Wave Audio files into ResCarta archive data format.
The ResCarta Collections Manager is used for the creation of ResCarta-compliant collections and the addition to or deletion from a ResCarta collection of digital object. The ResCarta Collections Manager writes out a METS collection file which is stored at the top level of a ResCarta Data Archive. The ResCarta Collections Manager can also be used to convert the robust METS metadata to simple Dublin Core XML files for use in other systems or to OAI_DC formatted XML files for use with OAI/PMH servers.
The ResCarta Indexer uses simple entry of data locations to create this powerful index, which allows for high-speed access to the metadata and word data contained within your ResCarta collections (database).
The ResCarta Checksum Verification Tool verifies object checksums (computed values of data that are compared to ensure data accuracy) of your ResCarta-formatted data, to ensure the integrity of the each and every digital object in your ResCarta archive.
The ResCarta Textual Metadata Editor adds, edits, or deletes textual metadata (searchable words that are stored with document images) to ResCarta-formatted documents. This tool can also be used to add search terms to photographs (Tagging) or other non-text objects. These search terms can be found using the full text search bar in ResCartaWeb.
The ResCarta Audio Transcription Editor adds, edits, or deletes textual metadata (searchable words that are stored within the audio object) to Broadcast Wave archive formatted objects. This tool can also be used to add search terms to audio objects that have NOT been transcribed by the ResCarta Data Conversion Tool. These search terms can be found using the full text search bar and selecting “Body Text” in ResCartaWeb.
The ResCarta Kaltura Video Upload Tool allows video objects in a ResCarta Collection to be uploaded automatically to a Kalturatm multimedia server. The tool will open a communication channel with your Kaltura multimedia server, login with your administrative key, originate uploads of video object content and enter the corresponding Kaltura video identifier key into the Collection Level Metadata of your ResCarta archive.